Mandragora srl
Via Capo di Mondo 61
50136 Florence, Italy
Ph. +39 055 2654384
As a rule we are willing to accept new proposals, but we ask those who intend to present a project that it be compatible with the line of our catalogue. Only on this condition we guarantee a response.
At the moment there are no open positions but it is always possible to send speculative applications, they will surely be valued, but we don’t guarantee an answer.
To submit your CV and new proposals:
Public Relations and Press Office:
Antique Collectors Club
US Office
Eastworks, 116 Pleasant Street – Suite B060
Easthampton, MA 01027
+1 (800) 252 5231 (ph.)
+1 (413) 529 0861 (ph.)
+1 (413) 529 0862 (fax)
UK Office
Sandy Lane, Old Martlesham, Woodbridge, Suffolk,
IP12 4SD
+44 (1394) 389950 (ph.)
+44 (1394) 389999 (fax)