Project Città ai bambini 30 January 2019 – Posted in: Project – Author: redazione Mandragora
Project Città ai Bambini
Mandragora participates to the project POR CREO FESR 2014-2020, Call “AIUTI AGLI INVESTIMENTI IN RICERCA SVILUPPO E INNOVAZIONE” for which see the DECRETO 30 luglio 2014 n. 3389 BANDO 2 PROGETTO LA CITTÀ AI BAMBINI
The project intends to realize a new generation of services for the children’s tourism:
- creation of itineraries thought for children that are capable to undersand their needs and psycho-perceptive features
- service of welcome and narrative company and provided with multimedia suggestions related to advanced systems of environmental intelligence
- services “La Città ai Bambini”, thought as a model repeatable in differetn cities, with possible franchising aimed at enhancing the professionalisms of young businessmen
The technical-scientific objectives in synthesis:
- the children’s tourism: imaginary and experience
- dynamic storytelling of the city
- interacting with the city and its history
- experimenting with pilot consumers and industrial plan