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Titian Themes and Variations

edited by Peter Humfrey

This volume led by the A. G. Leventis Gallery, and edited and coordinated by Professor Peter Humfrey of the University of St Andrews, dedicated to new research on Titian, his workshop, his circle, and his times in light of new technological advances, will be invaluable to researchers, conservators and art historians working in this field, to look to unveil the elusive secrets of Titian’s hidden world. Of all that lies beyond the surface.

Table of contents
Giorgio Tagliaferro, Introduction: the composition of themes and variations by Titian and his workshop; Fausta Navarro, Titian’s portraits of Charles V in armour: originals, variants and copies; Carlo Corsato, Titian’s Magdalens: money, measurements, mise-en-page; Paul Joannides, The Mocking of Christ, the Recognition of Christ’s Divinity and the Ecce Homo by Titian and his studio; Nikolas Bakirtzis et al., Painting layers and secrets of a reused canvas: Titian’s Ecce Homo in the Pittas Collection; Peter Humfrey, Titian and the theme of Venus with a Mirror; Irina Artemieva, Titian’s Barbarigo Madonna: the original and its variants; Mauro Lucco, Out of the shadows: some notes on a new Tribute Money by Titian; Miguel Falomir, Titian’s metamorphoses; Matthias Wivel, True images: Titian’s involvement in reproductive printmaking.

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Weight 1,7 kg
Dimensions 24,5 × 29 cm





151 in colour e 25 in b/w




